
Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised):

J. Saber Zaimian:
"Ein Modell zur baulichen Transformation Leitlinien zur Bauerneuerung aufgrund der Analyse des Umbaues vom alten allgemeinen Krankenhaus zum Universitätscampus in Wien";
Supervisor, Reviewer: B. Martens; Technische Universität Eindhoven, 2005.

English abstract:
The project of a structural conversion of a hospital into an university campus served as a case-study for the development of a model for converting building structures entailing humane, ecological, technical and architectural criteria as guidelines. As an architect employed by the University of Vienna, the author did, among other things, participate in the realization of the University Campus-Project and, consequently he was in charge of the construction problems and tasks concerned having been engaged from the beginning to the termination of construction works and in the complete implementation of the project University Campus "Old General Hospital". As a result he felt an urge to conduct a scientific study about that project specifically as well as about Building Transformations generally. Starting with the concept transformation which means conversion, remodeling, redesigning, and transfer and which by itself constitutes a living phenomenon, up to the formulation of a transformation model and the elaboration of guidelines, first are shown the important sections of the transformation process from a historical point of view, followed by the exposition of the complex new construction and structural conversion project. From a strength-weakness-analysis and the results of consultations guidelines and quality criteria could be deduced stepwise which, in the end, led to the development of the transformation model. Additionally, comparative examples facilitated approaching the phenomenon of the transformation of building structures. From that resulted a catalogue of guidelines based on humane, ecological, and technical criteria which are significant for that structural conversion and lead to a transformation model which as an auxiliary means is showing at one glance all the necessary factors of a building transformation process.

German abstract:
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit den baulichen Problemen und den, baulichen Prozessen der Umwandlung eines alten Krankenhauses aus dem Jahre 1780 zu, einem Universitätscampus, der den Ansprüchen des 21. Jahrhunderts Genüge leisten soll.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.