
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

U. Herbig, T. Tezarek, U. Pont, A. Mahdavi:
"Back to simple- disruptive methods for the improvement of the building performance of the Museum Affandi";
Talk: 4th Biennale ICIAP - International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (invited); 07-26-2018 - 07-27-2018; in: "4th Biennale ICIAP - International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning - Design and Planning in the Disruptive Era", B. Setiawan, I. IWiendu, A. Sarwadi, I. Ikaputra, S. Roychansyah (ed.); (2018).

English abstract:
There is an ongoing trend to implement complex HVAC systems to maintain comfortable indoor conditions. Despite the benefits they are also connected to a number of disadvantages, for instance high energy consumption, expensive operation, and the use of hazardous substances for operation. A disruption to this development is the rethinking of passive methods. One recent trend in improving thermal building performance is the employment of low-tech approaches. This contribution highlights the efforts pertaining to testing various approaches for the adaptation of the museum Affandi in Yogyakarta, targeting better thermal comfort and lower energy expenses. Thereby state of the art methods were used for extensive evaluation of different retrofit scenarios. The tested cooling scenarios reduced the overheating tendencies significantly. This paper encompasses methods and results as well as layout of the applied digital workflow.

German abstract:
no german version: There is an ongoing trend to implement complex HVAC systems to maintain comfortable indoor conditions. Despite the benefits they are also connected to a number of disadvantages, for instance high energy consumption, expensive operation, and the use of hazardous substances for operation. A disruption to this development is the rethinking of passive methods. One recent trend in improving thermal building performance is the employment of low-tech approaches. This contribution highlights the efforts pertaining to testing various approaches for the adaptation of the museum Affandi in Yogyakarta, targeting better thermal comfort and lower energy expenses. Thereby state of the art methods were used for extensive evaluation of different retrofit scenarios. The tested cooling scenarios reduced the overheating tendencies significantly. This paper encompasses methods and results as well as layout of the applied digital workflow.

Museum Affandi, Building Ecology, Building Information Modelling, Laser Scanning, Building Performance Simulation

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.